My Solo Birthday Trip to Turkey

When I’d arrived in Turkey, I had no idea of what I wanted to do – In fact, I even said to the girls in the group chat, “I’m definitely not doing anything, I’m just gna relax and enjoy the sun”, and at the time – I really did mean it.

But tbh, I’m NEVER the person to just chill and enjoy the sun on holiday – I love action and adventure! I also love meeting the local people and experiencing different cultures – so Turkey quickly became my playground to explore.

This is what happened…

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Our Amazing Croatian Getaway


Our amazing Croatian getaway wasn’t so much a holiday – it was more of an experiment and a leap of faith.

It was a very special time in our lives, when we’d decided to break away from the norm. We booked a couple of one-way flights, in order to figure our lives out.

It was hard don’t get me wrong – but I definitely don’t regret it. I’d also do it again in a heartbeat. We’d learnt so many important lessons along the way – and also got to see so many beautiful sights too!

Here’s what happened…

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